OUR Team

Meet Our Staff

Dr. R. G. & Theresa Smith


Dr. Richard Smith is the President and International Field Director of Church Planting Ministries with IBOM Missions.  With most of his work in Africa Dr. Smith has seen the Lord work many miracles to get the good news of Jesus Christ  our Savior to the people of Africa.  Dr. Smith is a great part of the history of The King’s Radio Network and because of his heart for outreach continues to be a great leader for our future use in the Kingdom of God.  

Luther & Nancy Spivey

Vice president

Dr. Spivey is the Vice-President, Field Missionary to Mexico, and The King’s Radio Network’s General Manager with  IBOM Missions.  Brother Luther has a heart for missions and outreach.  The Spivey’s Have two children who are involved in Christian Ministries. Travis, their son, is a pastor in the upstate of South Carolina. Tonya their daughter is  married to a pastor in Georgia.

Brother Spivey is continually looking for ministry and preaching opportunities and stays the course as The Lord has brought him through many toils, snares, and battles.  He keeps striving towards the goal of the High Calling that is in his life…”he really gets to go to Heaven!

Reverand Joel Burton


During a Sunday night service, while Preacher Jay Blankenship preached on hell, the Lord spoke to my heart, telling me I needed to be saved.

Since that time, I have experienced many mountain tops and struggled thru many valleys, yet the Lord never once failed to always be right by my side. I know this to be true-the Lord will never leave us nor forsake us! The Lord called me into ministry and I started pastoring in 1992.

I am blessed with a wonderful family—godly parents and in-laws, a great wife, two amazing daughters, and six of the best grandkids any Poppy could ever have! My coming to WKJV/WKJW is a great blessing. I am humbly blessed to be involved in such an amazing ministry that broadcasts the good news of Jesus Christ our Lord. Jeremiah recorded these words of our Lord-“Is not my word like as a fire? saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?”(Jeremiah 23:29 KJV).

God’s Word is powerful and sharp; “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12 KJV)


I was saved when I was five years old.  My family and I have been members at Pleasant Valley Baptist Church in Yancey County with Pastor Jimbo Seaton for as long as I can remember.  I started playing the guitar and singing when I was 12.  Then at 13 years old I was called to preach.  Just doing what I can to serve God, which now includes the ministry the Lord blessed me with here at the King’s Radio!  

WKJV Office Secretary

 Hello my name is Shreena! I am the WKJV secretary. I am married with three children, and a member of Upper Laurel Baptist Church. Jesus saved my soul in 1995 during a tent revival under Jay Harold Smith preaching on “God’s three deadlines”. I graduated from Happy Valley Christian School. God has richly blessed me while being apart of “WKJV The King’s Radio”.

IBOM Office Secretary

Hi, I’m Jessica and the IBOM Office Secretary at WKJV Radio! I’m a blessed mother of two children, and wife to a wonderful man. I am a proud member of Happy Valley Baptist Church in Asheville, NC. I was saved during a revival at Happy Valley, and have been a faithful member ever since. I thank God daily for my church and job, as I love working for the Lord! God has blessed my family so much and we enjoy living for Him!