The King's Radio Network

We bring the “Pure Gospel” to the mountains of Western North Carolina

Who we are

About Us...

WKJV 1380AM was purchased in 1995 from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.Both stations are locally owned and operated by International Baptist Outreach Missions, Incorporated in Asheville, NC of which Dr. Wendell Runion was the original founder. Dr. Richard Smith now serves as the President of IBOM and these fine ministries.

Our programming format consists of sound, fundamental preaching and singing along with USA Radio news and informative programs based upon the AV 1611 King James Bible.


Our Mission

We are passionate about our loyal listeners, the local church, and foreign missions.

Our Music

The music on The King’s Radio Network is a unique Southern Gospel blend of songs from the Church Hymnals, Top 40 Southern Gospel artists, church choirs,
Camp Meeting style music, local artists, bluegrass and mountain style singing. The purpose of our music is to #1 Magnify the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
and #2 to encourage the saints of God to better worship and serve Almighty God.

Our Preachers

Preachers are communication tools that God uses to reach the world with the good news of Jesus Christ. They all are in a strict adherence to the Authorized King James 1611 version of God’s Holy Word. These men look to the guidance of the Holy Ghost to guide them in applying the scriptures to rescue the perishing and resource the church with the armour they need to get through this world while reassuring them of their heavenly home. “We really get to go to Heaven.”

Our Community

The King’s Radio listening area is beautiful and has some of the greatest people in the World living here. Strong churches that are founded and standing on the sure foundation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Satisfied people who have found the riches of God’s Glory. Struggling people who need a voice of hope ringing through the airways to pull them from the tidal wave of false religion, teaches, and churches that do not adhere to God’s standards set forth in our Authorized King James Version Bible.

You matter to God. You matter to us!

The Bible says God loved you so much He sent Jesus to die in our stead on the cross. God’s gift of Jesus to the world is the world’s only hope. In the book of Romans we are told that nothing can seperate us from the love of God.
Jesus Christ as Lord is God’s proof that you matter to God. That same Jesus lives through those who know Him as savior and Lord. Therefore God’s love flows through us to minister to you in your times of need by offering the message, ministry, and means of Hope!

The Miracle of Salvation

Wow! We really get to go to Heaven through Jesus Christ our Savior! That very thought should take you to a place of wonder that you have never experienced before you meet Jesus. Salvation is the work of God by grace through faith. We all have sinned against God! So, we need help or hell will be our eternal torment. Jesus has died on the cross to pay your sin debt, pardon that debt, and provide the way of reconciliation between you and God. There is no other way to God (the Father) accept through Jesus (His Son). The miracle part of this is it is a free gift. Just like any other gift it is useless unless it is accepted. By accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior we recieve all the benefits of being the children of God. We become joint heirs with Jesus Christ. Heaven at the moment of salvation becomes our home and hope to encourage us when life here seems to get unbearable! Do you “really want to go to Heaven?”

1. We all are sinners-Romans 3:23 (Our lives are full of sinful intents, interactions, and insurrection against God)

2. Sin has a great debt-Romans 6:23 (The greatest debt ever owed was the debt of sin that we can not pay ourself)

3. Our debt has been paid-Romans 6:23 (Jesus who was sinless became sin for us so our debt would be paid)

4. Accept the lordship and work of Jesus-Romans 10:9-10 (Confessing and believing into Jesus as Lord and Savior)

5. Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind-Matthew 22:37 (Give yourself to the will, work, and worship of God)


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